Non-toxic rodent control
Ratél Dk develops non-toxic products for rodent control. It is our goal to produce high end quality solutions – ensuring that the rats are delt with in an animalically sound manner.
It is our goal to contribute to environmentally friendly and animal-friendly solutions in relation to the fight against rats, and that goal will continue to be chased in the company's future development.
– Hans Knudsen, Adm. director of Ratél ApS
Non-toxic rodent control
Quality solutions for animal friendly rodent control.
Mechanical and non-toxic rat traps from Ratél Dk
Rats have always been a major problem in urban areas and often in the countryside as well. There is not much you can do even against rats without it going wrong. Putting poison out can hit the wrong animals and sometimes even curious children.
With the mechanical rat traps from Ratél Dk, you are ensured that no poison is used. The mechanical traps are set up in sewers, pipes and in the open air. With a combination of a rat trap and a rat trap, you get the best solution where possible.
The fact that traps and rat traps are mechanical and not electric is a great advantage in their use. There are no wires that can be gnawed over, power failure does not matter and they work even at low temperatures.
With RatélCom you can keep an eye on the efficiency of the rat traps. It is an app that can be purchased, where data from the various traps is sent to us and then on to your app.
This ensures that the traps are set in the right place and do their job efficiently. If no data is received, the location must be changed.
Ratél’s rat trap
Is a super simple design that keeps rats and mice out of the house, apartment block or outbuildings with drains. It can also, with advantage, be set up in the cottage.
In general, all houses, apartment blocks and businesses should have a rat barrier set up. It gives everyone a reassurance that rats and mice cannot enter the buildings. At least not that way.
Rat traps from Ratél Dk
Are efficient and relatively easy to set up. If you want everything to be A-okay, we will gladly set up the rat traps and ensure that they work correctly.
That our rat traps for both sewers and surfaces are non-toxic is a big plus. Both in terms of safety and the environment. For example, children can not eat poison and they can not fall into the traps.
With our mechanical setup, you get a quality trap that just works.
If you have any questions – contact us by email, phone or send a message from our contact page.